Hardware IC

Data Representation

Data Representation

Arithmetic & Logic Unit Does the calculations Everything else in the computer is there to service this unit Handles integers May handle floating point (real) numbers Data types Represented in binary-coded form Only have 0 & 1 to...

Instruction Set Architecture

Instruction Set Architecture

Instruction set architecture is the structure of a computer that a machine language programmer or a compiler must understand to write a correct, timing independent program for that machine. Elements of a machine instruction: Operation code (opcode) Source...

Memory System Architecture

Memory System Architecture

For this chapter, i'll explain the purpose and function of Memory System Architecture. Early computers use the likes of vacuum tubes, switching elements, mercury delay lines and etc. They are very expensive and unreliable. Then, magnetic cores were...
Template by GagakHitam
Copyright © 2012 Gagak Hitam and Hishamuddin.